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Can't claim the voucher, prerequisites required button appears.
Now Learning
NOTE: When attempting to claim your voucher a Prerequisites Required button displays if one or more of the criteria have not been completed, and does not go away until all are resolved.
You may have one or more of the Voucher issuing course prerequisites not met:
- Webassessor must be created and linked to your Now Learning account.
- The voucher issuing course must be 100% complete.
NOTE: The voucher issuing course is the training required to be eligible for the respective certification exam voucher. Example of a voucher issuing course, ServiceNow Administration Fundamentals On Demand. - Badge for completion of the voucher issuing course.
- Review the Voucher Info page specific to the voucher issuing course.
- Link Your Webassessor Account
- Ensure your Webassessor account is linked to your Now Learning account. For instructions, reference Link your Webassessor to Your Now Learning Account. If you have not created a Webassessor account, reference Create a Webassessor Account.
- To confirm if linking your webassessor took care of the prerequisite issue, navigate to the My Vouchers page.
If the Start or Pay and Begin button displays the prerequisite issues that have been taken care of. You do not need to continue with the steps below.
Screenshot example of linked Webassessor.
- Ensure your Webassessor account is linked to your Now Learning account. For instructions, reference Link your Webassessor to Your Now Learning Account. If you have not created a Webassessor account, reference Create a Webassessor Account.
- The Voucher Issuing Course Must be 100% Complete.
- Ensure all courses within your path have the green check mark icon. If the course is 100% complete, you've unlocked the Badge for completion of the voucher issuing course. Reference Unable to complete my course, cannot register for exam to ensure course completion.
- To confirm if completing the course took care of the prerequisite issue, navigate to the My Vouchers page.
If the, Start or Pay and Begin button displays the prerequisite issues have been taken care of. You do not need to continue with the steps below.
Screenshot example of voucher issuing course completed.
- Ensure all courses within your path have the green check mark icon. If the course is 100% complete, you've unlocked the Badge for completion of the voucher issuing course. Reference Unable to complete my course, cannot register for exam to ensure course completion.
- Confirm the Voucher Issuing Course Issued a Badge for completion.
- To confirm select My Profile, then select the My Achievements heading in the left panel, select My Badges. A list of badges displays.
- Confirm the badge display for the voucher issuing course.
- To confirm if the Voucher Issuing Course Issued a Badge for completion, navigate to the My Vouchers page.
If the, Start or Pay and Begin button displays the prerequisite issues have been taken care of. You do not need to continue with the steps below.
Screenshot example of voucher issuing course completion badge.
- Voucher Info Page
- Navigate to the Voucher issuing course.
- Review the screen to see if the Resume or Review button displays.
NOTE: If the Resume button displays you have not completed the course.
- Review button - No action needed, go to the next step.
- Resume button - Select Resume, the course displays. Scroll down to the last module on the left pane, select Voucher Info. Complete the requirements for the course.
Screenshot example of voucher info page completed.
- If you have tried these steps and the message still displays, create a case for assistance. For instructions refer to Submitting a Now Learning Case for Assistance.