Completing enrollment with your allocated Learning Credits (LCs)

Completing enrollment with your allocated Learning Credits (LCs)

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After learning credits (LCs) are allocated to you by your company admin, use the LCs to complete enrollment in training.


  1. Start enrollment using one of the methods below:
    NOTE: Not all methods may be available to use.
    • Locate the email the Now Learning system sent you as the recipient.
      • Select the Take me to the content button. The course screen displays.
        Refer to the image below for a sample email.

        image showing the button to select in the email you received to get to the course screen.

    • Locate the Learning Credit notification in Now Learning.
    • Select Notifications (bell icon). The list of notifications displays.

      The images below show the Notifications (bell icon). This displays a number showing how many notifications are waiting for review.

                  Notification bell icon to complete enrollement after LC allocation.jpg   LC Approved Bell Notification.jpg

      1. Depending on how the LC allocations display, do one of the following:
        • NOTE: The example images below are specific to instructor led training (ILT) enrollment, and not to On Demand.
          • Locate the assigned course under the Assigned tab on the Now Learning Home screen.
              • For On Demand: Select the Enroll button. You are done, do not continue with these instructions.
              • For ILT:
  2. Select the course link. Your upcoming course details displays. You are done, do not continue with these instructions.
  3. Select the Click here to enroll link for the required course. The course screen displays.
  4. Select the Class Options button on the course screen. The Choose Your Class screen displays with the available schedule.
  5. Review the Class Options.
    NOTE: The term Prepaid under the Price column indicates the specific class was selected by the manager when allocating the LCs or you requested LCs for a specific class.

    Use the image below as reference when picking an instructor led class (ILT).

    image showing how to choose/select the class that you need LCs for, from your Admin

  6. Select the required class.
  7. Select the Select Payment button. The Pay for Content screen displays.
  8. For each of the links listed under the Terms & Conditions:
    1. Select the link.
    2. Reviewing the information.
    3. If prompted, select Acknowledge.
  9. Add a checkmark that you have acknowledged the Terms & Conditions. The Enroll Now button becomes active for selection.
  10. Select the Enroll Now button to finalize the enrollment and reserve the class. 
    NOTE: If the information on the screen is incorrect, select the Back button to make updates.

    Use the image below as a reference.

    Updated Pay for content screenshot.jpg

  11. Review your upcoming class details.
    NOTE:  If the location is TBD the enrollment isn't closed. The Zoom link will not be available. 

    Use the image below as a reference for class details.
    Upcoming class details.jpg

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