Discovery Basics for Software Asset Management (SAM)
2 Hours 55 Minutes

Discovery Basics for Software Asset Management (SAM)

Learn the fundamentals of using the ServiceNow Discovery application to capture software installation information for use in Software Asset Management (SAM) with Discovery Basics for Software Asset Management (SAM).

About this Course

This course explores using the integration between ServiceNow® Discovery and ServiceNow Software Asset Management (SAM) Professional to automatically find and populate software installation information within your data center for later normalization and reconciliation in Software Asset Management (SAM) Professional.


Define what Discovery is and the value-add for SAM

Describe what a MID Server is and what it is used for

Explain the Discovery process, including phases, probes, sensors, patterns, and classifiers

Describe the relationships between assets, CIs, models, and model categories

Discuss extending Discovery for Software Asset Management (SAM)

Explore running Discovery to find applications/software for SAM