About this Course
This course is designed for ServiceNow experts ready to share their knowledge and experience with the ServiceNow community. It outlines the essential standards and guidelines for participating in the Now Learning Community Author program. Learn how to get content approved and published to ServiceNow learners around the globe. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to join the family of Now Learning content contributors making an impact and gaining recognition within their community. Before enrolling in the course, it is recommended to meet with the Now Learning Community Author Content team to help evaluate content ideas that would be a good fit. For more information, contact nowlearningcommunity@servicenow.com.
Identify the procedure for community author content to be approved and published on Now Learning
Acknowledge the legal requirements for community author content submission and proper use of the ServiceNow brand
Define additional metadata needed to describe the course and help learners make smart enrollment decisions
Present helpful tips and recommendations for developing effective content, including important settings for media and accessibility