Maintaining your Certified Technical Architect (CTA) Certification
What is the CTA annual maintenance exam?
Maintaining your CTA certification is a two-step process: passing the annual CTA maintenance exam, as well as having all your prerequisite certifications in current status (CSA, CAD, and 2 CIS disciplines).
The CTA maintenance exam is completed in the same window as your annual deltas and the fee for the CTA maintenance exam is included in the annual ServiceNow Certification Maintenance Program fee.
You must take the maintenance exam each year following the year that you successfully passed the CTA Capstone exam. For example, if you passed the CTA Capstone in 2024, you will need to successfully complete the CTA maintenance exam during the delta window in Q4 2025. Every year after, you must pass the maintenance exam during the annual delta window in addition to keeping your prerequisite certifications current.
When will my CTA certification status be updated?
Your CTA certification will display as At Risk until after the delta window. Your CTA certification will display as current only after confirming that all prerequisite certifications are current and the CTA maintenance exam has been passed. Please allow for extra time to complete this validation.
At the end of the delta window:
- If all four prerequisite certifications are current and you passed the CTA maintenance exam, your CTA certification status will be current. Your next maintenance exam window will be the following annual delta window.
- If any of the four prerequisite certifications are expired, regardless of whether you passed the CTA maintenance exam, your CTA certification status will expire.
- If all four prerequisite certifications are current and you failed the CTA maintenance exam, your CTA certification status will expire.